Thursday, May 28, 2009

I forgot to talk about the babies' 6 month follow-up, which was May 14th. I took them by myself, which I think worried the nurses and doctors... not sure why, maybe b/c of the shots, but everyone commented that I was brave to come by myself. While we were waiting for the doctor, the babies destroyed the paper that covered the table. It was in tiny pieces everywhere!! I let them do it, it was good entertainment. I was kept busy keeping it out of their mouths. The nurse and Dr. Gordon were surprised that they sat up so well and so straight. Hattie weighed 15 lbs, 2 oz (25% on her charts) and Hudson weighed 15 lbs, 12 oz (10% on his charts). Hudson was almost 2 inches longer than Hattie, putting him in the 25% and Hattie in the 10% percent. Hattie screamed when they had to clean some wax build up in her ear and again with the 3 shots. She had enough and was ready to get the heck out of there. Hudson also had a little wax and cried with his shots. Dr. Gordon was considering diagnosing Hudson with prescribed amoxicillin. The good news is that both babies ears looked good. She was a little concerned that Hudson is still leaking so much when he eats, she said she would keep an eye on everything as he began to talk.

Tuesday night the babies woke Ben up 3 times during the night, but everything went pretty well. I slept like a baby in the hotel and was surprised when the alarm went off at 6:45 a.m. Ben said Wyatt was quiet and he asked him why. He said are you tired? He said "Yeah, but I just miss Mom a little bit." Ben said he was really questioning why I was gone again and why I wasn't sleeping at home. When I picked him up at daycare on Wednesday he ran over to me and told me that he missed me. Before I picked him up I bought some ice cream for shakes. He was so excited. He wanted to go right home and make them and asked about 10 times if it was time. First I made eat dinner, then I told him I had to get the babies asleep. He was in his room watching cartoons. Once I got the babies calmed down for bed I made the shakes and told him it was time for the shakes. When he never came, Ben went to check on him and found him sound asleep. I was sad he missed out on shakes.... I put it in the fridge in case he woke up and asked about them. I missed him so much I slept with him and attempted to cuddle with him. Attempted is the key word... he is just like I used to be. He was all over the bed and even fell out once. I was kicked probably 10 times.

I had the alarm set for 5:00 this morning and planned on being on the road by 6:15. Well, the alarm was actually set after all and Ben woke up at 6:00, startled by the time.. at least we all slept pretty good. The babies didn't wake until 6:15, which is so unusual.. especially Hudson. And he only woke up once during the night. whew... wish every night was like that!!

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