Friday, January 2, 2009

Where have I been?????????

OMG. I honestly have no excuse for not posting for 6 long weeks besides I am swamped!!! These beautiful, growing babies have me busy.......... if you doubt this, come over! I love any extra hands and am likely to do laundry, dishes, shower or clean my purse (thanks Deann!) while you are here...

Since last posting, we had our six week folllowup appt. Hudson weighed 9 lbs, 9 oz and Hattie weighed 8 lbs 13 oz. The doctor was very happy with their weight. The folllowing week we had an appt for Hudson and he was weighed again. He was up to 9 lbs 14 oz. Then, another appt this past Monday revealed that he was up to 10 lbs 7 oz! I am anxious for their two month appt to find out the difference between the two of them. I would guess it to be a pound to a pound and a half. Their weight makes them look that much more different!

We have been blessed with two of the most opposite children imaginable.. Hudson seeks lots of attention and has taken most of my time for the last two months. He is being treated for acid reflux and I finally gave in on Tuesday and started him on formula. This was hard for me b/c I breastfed Wyatt for 1 year, but Hudson was obviously needing a change and the formula seems to be working. He would usually cry after eating until he fell asleep and then would wake up happy for a short time until he got hungry again... I took him to the doctor 3 times in a week and a 1/2 with nothing working.. and lots of suggestions from friends and family to try a formula. Thanks for all the advice.... Hudson looks A LOT like his older brother..

Hattie is usually quiet (however, she is unhappy as I write this..) and unfortunately has had to lay or sit for some time as I am distracted with her brother. She looks a lot like my baby pictures and does not like to sleep.. she prefers cat naps. She likes her bink and is known to be the moaner, groaner of the family. I have to have a sound machine on, and pretty loud, to block Hattie out for Hudson. Otherwise, he wakes when she does.. She seems to be having some belly issues right now and I am questioning whether she will end up on formula too.

Hudson has been cooing and smiling for several weeks in between his crying spells. He makes me forget his "episodes" when he smiles and talks.. what a sweetie.. Hattie is also starting to coo more now too! She will stare you down as you feed her.. and has some great hairdo's! She is a petite little thing...

Well, I am tired and desparate to get this little girl to sleep... I am promising myself to post again soon with pictures... I have taken pictures, but they are still on my camera and will need edited most likely... some day...

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